
But the multiple layers,

27.04.2016, mielenitekeerunoilla

sealed with countless touches;

Strong, violent,

soft, tender,

careless, light,

are now the resources of which

my skin is made of

And it is a thick skin

made of hurt

made to hurt.

And oh, yes

it has leaked the pain

As I could not breath

As pain being all to breath in

Like the life would have been

sucked out of me

The life how I used to know it

But the moments, decades went by

And I was still breathing!

Pain, air, the beautiful life

I was never dying

I was reborn

I was reborn out of the leaking flesh

Out of the intense affections

Out of the seconds, moment that felt like

The whole eternity was captured in the thick,

rich, seconds of hurt

The affection that meant nothing

was manufactured out of twisted gentleness

Out of gentle words, gazes and touches

that could only betray

Oh yes,

I was reborn

but I wasn’t I anymore

and the ”Was not”

was not the same,

never the same

As this layers had made my tissues steel

I was not flesh anymore

My flesh could not be hurt with any flesh anymore

I was not death nor living,

body nor mind but some uniqueness of the universe

Sensing, feeling, breathing I was

I was the Through Which Life was interpreted

A qualitative different interpretation of materials

And Finally I

Could really have it all!

As I did not care anymore

I was

The Breath

The Pure Joy

Spontaneous movement

Out of and for a Movement





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